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Fully-Catered Flutter App Development Services

A vision and a team to fulfill that vision, that’s all you need for success. For success in developing Flutter-based applications, you need a team that helps you achieve the vision of cross-platform consistency. That’s what we offer when we talk about our comprehensive Flutter development solutions.

Concerned with the developmental costs and time, as well as effort that goes on into developing natively, the world needed a reliable yet efficient tool that could provide developers with development that went across platforms. That’s where Flutter came into play. With features that help both clients and developers, the platform has gained a reputation for being functional, scalable and highly effective.

With the Flutter app developers that we have here, you can leverage the Flutter framework to the maximum. Whether it’s the app development that we do or the other Flutter-based services like migration, API integration we take care of it all! Blending skill and experience, we deliver catered solutions that strive to make a difference in the market!

Universal Flutter App Development Services

Our Flutter App Development Services offer cutting-edge solutions for creating high-performance, visually appealing, and cross-platform mobile applications. Leveraging Flutter's powerful framework, we build apps that run seamlessly on both iOS and Android, ensuring a native-like experience with a single codebase. Our expert developers excel in delivering custom, scalable, and feature-rich apps tailored to meet your business needs.

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Custom Flutter App Development

Flutter-based excellence in the form of applications that work the same on both iOS and Android. We understand that every business is unique in itself, and has a specific target audience that it needs to cater to. We emphasize the research part, and deliver catered apps that shape the way industries function, leaving a profound impact.

Cross-Platform App Development

Seamless application development that gives out a single codebase. This single codebase will become the foundation for an app that works on both iOS and Android. While Flutter does its magic, so do our developers. Our developers make sure that all pieces of the puzzle are right where they belong, and also ensure that you get a consistent overall experience.

UI/UX Design and Development

Even as our team builds robust backend systems that enhance security and promise robustness, we also ace at the design part. Bringing to you designs that are awe-inspiring, our developer teams ensure that you get fluid, intuitive displays that keep users coming back to your application. And delivering that is our promise!

Flutter App Migration Services

While we craft Flutter applications straight from scratch, we also have the necessary expertise required to migrate your existing app to Flutter. We’ll take care of the entire migration process for you, and will promise that you get minimal disruption while we work towards improving app functionality. Our developers go above and beyond with Flutter!

Dart-based Development

We fully leverage Dart, which is the primary development language for Flutter. Dart allows for the writing of clean and maintainable code that promises an optimal application performance like no other. It’s best for developing applications that are fast and efficient, working on more than one platform while maintaining the user experience.

Performance Optimization

Using the industry best practices along with advanced performance optimization techniques, we provide services that help you maintain that sleek performance everytime. With that, we also conduct regular performance audits that help your app in running as efficiently and as smoothly as possible, emphasizing on longevity.

API Integration

We flawlessly integrate third-party APIs and services with Flutter apps, which add to their existing functionality. Along with this, our developer teams also ensure secure and efficient API connections, adding to the capability of your apps to deliver exactly what they were intended to deliver. It’s what we do best, that’s developing Flutter apps!

Maintenance and Support

All-inclusive maintenance and support services that will keep your precious Flutter app up-to-date and always functional. We offer regular bug fixes and performance monitoring services. This ensures that your app always runs in the top condition! This also makes us the best Flutter app development company!

Progressive Web App Development

Developing responsive and super-fast PWAs that have Flutter as their primary development platform. Flutter app developers ensure that our PWAs are developed while combining the best aspects of web and mobile apps, offering offline capabilities and push notifications. We also aim for a native app-like experience while we develop PWAs.

Flutter-based solutions that shape industries

All clients have one thing in common – they require apps that are perfect. They should be perfect in all aspects, be it design-wise, backend-wise, code-wise – everything-wise. It’s this chase for perfection that drives us as well, to deliver meticulously crafted applications that strive for success! It’s all about knowing the intricacies, and we know them all too well.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Native-Like Performance

Beautiful UI Components

Animation and Motion Effects

Responsive Layouts

Accessibility Features

Push Notifications

Offline Support

Authentication and Authorization

In-App Purchases and Payments

Geolocation Services

Social Media Integration

Real-Time Chat and Messaging

Data Visualization

Biometric Authentication

Analytics and Reporting

Our Flutter Development Services Tech Stack

Explore our tech stack, showcasing the cutting-edge technologies we leverage to power our services. From robust frameworks to advanced tools, we harness the latest innovations to deliver unparalleled solutions tailored to your needs.

Case Studies

In each project, we pour our hearts & souls. We go the extra mile to surpass their expectations. Dive into our case studies for an inside look at how we conquer challenges with precision.

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A Web and Mobile Application For Professional Home Services

The client aims to create a comprehensive platform that connects consumers with service providers across various categories. The client envisioned a solution that simplifies the process of booking services while providing a seamless experience for both consumers and service providers. The challenge was to develop a hybrid mobile application along with a website and an administrator panel that caters to the needs of consumers, service providers, managers, and administrators

  • Node
  • React Native
  • Strapi
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An Online Well-being Market place to access your best life

The client envisioned an online marketplace for practitioners seeking to connect with clients. This innovative e-commerce platform caters to coaches, teachers, healers, and speakers, offering many sessions, classes, workshops, retreats, and much more. Hello Plentiful empowers practitioners to showcase and market their expertise to a diverse audience of users in search of transformative experiences.

  • WordPress
  • PHP
  • Laravel
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Quick Campaign Creation Tool for Media Buyers

Our client is a is a media advertising company that makes their revenue through online advertising from Facebook and Google Ads. To enable the company media buyers to create campaigns quickly on Facebook and improve their turnaround time. The time to create campaigns was huge as the media buyers had to use multiple platforms in order to create a single campaign. A solution to analyze the Facebook ad data, crunch some numbers, and display them meaningfully in the form of a graphical user interface.

  • Python
  • ReactJS
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  • Reviewed On:
  • 4.9
  • 5.0
  • 5.0

Industries we serve

As a Flutter App Development Company, we understand every industry has its own set of challenges. We don't offer a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, we focus on the unique risks, opportunities, and best practices of your domain. This allows us to craft agile and resilient IT solutions that are specifically tailored to your business needs. Let's build something strong together.

Trust our experienced developers for superior Flutter Development solutions

Hire Dedicated Developers

Why Choose Us For FlutterApplication Development Services?

You may ask, why should I pick out Solvios Technologies among all the other agencies that provide Flutter app development services? Well, let’s give you some solid reasons on why picking us will be one of the best investments that you’ll make. We know how Flutter works from the inside out, our developers have worked with a variety of clients that have all been from different industries, and have executed flawlessly. It’s the perfect combination of experience and expertise that allows us to chase perfection, and then settle on excellence!

Work With Us

Peak Performance

Going Across Platforms

Robustly Developed Backend

Timely Delivery

Methodologies that ensure a smooth, sound development process

While developing exceptional Flutter apps, we take the help of a variety of methodologies that makes sure that each project is handled keeping in mind efficiency and quality. We select our methodologies on the condition that fits best to your goals and project requirements.

Our development process emphasizes on delivering top-end, customized Flutter applications that are crafted to meet your needs as well as your client’s needs.


We utilize the adaptive Agile methodology at its fullest. It focuses on continuously improving processes. We emphasize on the delivery of software at the end of sprints while we utilize the Agile methodology.


A design process wherein we break the project into phases such as: Requirements, Design, Implementation, Verification and Maintenance. We use it for projects requiring no/less amount of changes.


A subset of agile that fits best for projects with rapidly changing requirements. We use it for its flexibility, and adaptability. We undertake fixed-length sprints while using Scrum for our clients.


We use it for creating more value with fewer resources. It emphasizes efficiency optimization by eliminating waste, advocating for a strong focus while we learn from the customer themself.

See What OurClients Are Saying!

Don't just take our word for it. Watch video testimonials from our clients and see how our software solutions deliver tangible benefits across various industries.

Jim Kupczyk

Founder - Mindful Market

Alok Prasad

Strategic Partner

Bo Zivak

Founder - Zivak Realty group

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Take your online presence to new heights with Solvios! We offer more than just cloud services – from captivating designs to marketing strategies, our team is here to elevate your brand. Explore our services and let's create digital magic together.

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Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit that empowers Flutter app developers to develop natively compiled apps. These apps can be made for mobile, web and desktop - all from a single codebase. It saves up loads on costs, and also doesn't require separate teams like native development does.

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