New features in Salesforce Spring ’19 release goes live. Do consider sharing all these updates and changes to other Salesforce users so that everyone gets updated. Apart from this, some other features need direct action from the admin’s end before users to get an advantage of new functionality.

1. Pinned/Defaulting List Views

If you want to load the go-to list view as your default list, you can now do it easily. With pinned lists, you can make any list as a new default. You want to pin a list that is unpinned, click the pin icon. To pin another list, just select the list view and pin it. The default pinned list for all the objects is Recently Viewed.

Salesforce Pinned/Defaulting List Views

2. Print a Record Page

From a record page, you can now print key details and related lists in Lightning Experience which is similar to Salesforce classic. You can specify record details visibility on a printable page and can take a print from the browser itself.

On a record home page, click Printable View. The ‘sections’ and ‘fields’ on the printable view reflect the list preferences related to the current user.  Moreover, admins can eliminate the Printable View button from the record page layout in the Page Layout Editor to deactivate the feature.

Salesforce Classic Print a Record Page

3. Lightning Web Components

These are the custom HTML elements that are built using JavaScript and HTML. They can exist side by side with Aura Components as well. Aura components are previously termed Lightning Components.

4. Lightning Scheduler

To set up appointments with standard Salesforce workflows (leads, referrals, and accounts), use Lightning Scheduler. You can now assign resources efficiently and fulfill customer needs in a better way. However, this feature is paid one in Enterprise and Unlimited editions.

5. Additional Options

While transferring the account ownership, you have the benefit of additional options to open opportunities and open cases.

Transfer Account Ownership

6. Create Custom Objects from Spreadsheets

You can create a custom object by importing its fields and field data from Google Sheets, Quick spreadsheet, or an Excel file. You can create custom objects from the Navigation Items tab which is into a Lightning app in the Lightning app builder. To create, Edit a Lightning app, access to Navigation Items tab, and click the ‘Create’ button at the top of the available items list.

7. Switch Your Lightning Page to a Different Template

If you want to change the layout of a Lightning Page, with new options you can now swap a lightning page’s template. To begin with the template-switching process, in the Lightning App Builder, view the Lightning page’s properties, and Change next to the Template field.

Lightning App Builder

8. View State Limit

With the View State Limit option, you can now create and load more complex Visualforce pages, unless you exceed the limit. The view state limit was extended in size from 135KB to 170KB.

Visualforce pages

9. Enforce FLS Permissions for SOQL Queries (Beta)

To enable the checking for field and object-level security permission, cross object relationships, and subqueries on SOQL SELECT queries, apply WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED clause. If you find that field-level security is not visible for the LastName or Description field, you can use the below query –    SELECT Id, (SELECT LastName FROM Contacts), (SELECT Description FROM Opportunities) FROM Account WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED.

10. Data Storage

With this release, Salesforce is planning to increase the data storage allowance in Group, Essential, Contact manager, Performance, Enterprise, and Unlimited editions. The Salesforce elves are expecting the expansion in the current 1GB limit to 10GB. The organization will see an increase in late March 2019.

If you are seeking a comprehensive understanding of the Salesforce Spring release process, consider the Salesforce Spring ’19 Release Highlights Trailhead Module to get an in-depth look at new features.

Do check out our Salesforce Consulting and Implementation Services. Also, connect with our Salesforce experts to talk about Virtual Salesforce Administrative Services.

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